Monday, September 24, 2012

Sword Art Online Episode 1

Got to say, I was skeptical about watching this at first, even after reading the plot. But I'm so glad I gave it a chance.

Now this being the first episode it's mostly an introduction of the world which is just beautiful. I love the idea of a virtual game you can control with your brain (who doesn't?) and it was done reastically too. So bonus! I love the NerveGear helmet it just looks really cool. I'm going to do my best at not spoling this for those that havn't seen it but I will give a rundown.

Sword Art Online: An anime where real life people get trapped in a game by the creator. The only way to 'logout' is to beat the boss at Floor 100. Everyone will start at Floor One. Then basically the race is on!

Meet Klein, the boy who currently thinks he's in pain. Kirito meets him and they quickly become friends. I expect to see him later in the series though after they split at the end of this episode.

I loved the mirror. Unveiling everyone's real persona. Simply hilarious.

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