Monday, October 22, 2012

Sword Art Online Episode 3

The Red Nosed Reindeer
Okay, so first four months have passed in SAO game time and the big guilds have been defeating floor after floor. But, in the meantime our hero, Kirito has saved a smaller guild called, Moonlit Black Cats. This errr 'feast' above is a token of thanks from the guild's leader, Keita. who has also asked for Kirito to join the guild.
Surprise here, he does join.
Woot! Kirito you're not a loaner anymore! Go have fun and make some friends! ^.^
Of course Kirito keeps it secret what his level is from his fellow guild members.
Bad, Kirito you must learn to trust others! -.-
So here's a few of the guild members. Luckily, I remeber one name. The girl is Sachi who confides in Kirito that she is scared of dying.
Aren't we all?
You know, if we had the misfortune to be in a game used as a deathtrap.
 So now that we've gotten to know the guild members and maybe fell in love with a few-mostly Sachi of course as Kirito interacted most with her-the time does a little skip ahead again. It's June 12, 2023 Keita goes off to buy a house for the guild. What do the members do?
Oh, that's right we go to a higher floor looking to level and get some more cash/equipment. Of course, yeah.
Well, here comes the tear jerkers everybody.
Remember, when a room goes red it's a trap and you should get out before the door closes. Unfortunetly our hero and his guildians get trapped inside the room with an empty chest. The onslaught of enemies arrives soon enough in waves. Which would contain lots of exp for them if they were of higher levels.
Obviously from the picture above Sachi and the rest of them die. Leaving Kirito to fend for himself. Who, mysteriously gets out-never told how this happened.
Hi Santa! You look.. old, and dead! Has Mrs. Claws been treating you good?
Oh, you're in a bad mood. Meet Kirito who's also in a bad mood after having his guild members killed infront of him and then Keita going sucide on us. Damn him.
We are going to 'Santa' for a mysterious item spread by a rumor that he posses to bring back the dead. You're all probably guessing where this is going. Kirito feels bad for letting his guildians die but especially for Sachi since they were close. He wants to bring her back to life and heads out in the forest to kill for his present.
We also meet Klein and his guild, Fuurinkazan on the way. Who do the honor of holding the Holy Dragons off since they want the same item as Kirito.
How nice.
So after killing Santa's evil twin brother with skin problems it is revealed that you must revive the person in three days time. Poor Kirito.
He goes back to his inn room for a message by Sachi to be delivered on Christmas Eve. She seems to know she would die before then and tells him so, saying it isn't his fault and to go on with his life and not die.
Afterwards, she hums 'rudolf the red noised reigndeer.'
Major tear jerker, it was so sad.

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